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Having Trouble Sleeping? These Mats Are Flying Off The Shelves

Deborah Clark

October 25, 2023

A massive 51% of adults worldwide don't get enough sleep. That can lead to some severe health consequences. But luckily, there's something that has already helped lots of people..

GroundingWell is changing the sleep improvement industry.

They have developed a cutting-edge Grounding Mat that takes advantage of the grounding phenomenon.

“Grounding" or “Earthing” is like plugging into the Earth's natural energy. It's the practice of connecting physically with the Earth, often by walking barefoot on grass or soil.

Grounding lets us tap into the Earth's mild negative charge to top up on energy and rebalance our body’s systems, which are by nature bioelectrical- imagine it like recharging your life’s battery.

Thanks to the Grounding Technology the Mat uses, the body absorbs healing electrons by making contact with the Mat. The natural grounding phenomenon ensures a person doesn’t just fall asleep fast, but experience luxurious, quality sleep throughout the night.

This company is making leaps in sleep improvement with the GroundingWell Mat.

The Mat takes advantage of the Earth’s natural energy which isn’t habit-forming. That means a person doesn't build up a dependency on the GroundingWell Mat while getting to enjoy massive benefits. 

The GroundingWell Mat is made of a conductive carbon-coated material that achieves the highest electron conduction rate in the market, at a rate of 99.9%. This maximizes your recovery and ensures you get the most out of your sleep.

The grounding technology also helps you stay connected with the Earth’s electrons throughout the entire night. That means you won’t wake up groggy and slow in the morning.

Caitlyn's Story

Caitlyn, a 49-year-old mother from California, swears by GroundingWell and shared her story with us. She writes:

"I suffered from poor sleep for years. I learned to adjust to it, got used to waking up at night, getting less than 5 hours of sleep, and finding it difficult to wake up. Eventually, I started getting really stressed and symptoms of chronic fatigue. This made both work and helping my family an impossible task. This was the wake-up call that pushed me to look for help. I will admit that I spent thousands of dollars on everything from pills to air conditioners and beds… But nothing helped me in the long run… Then my friend recommended GroundingWell! Here's what happened: "

Trying GroundingWell Mat For 30 Days

Day 1

"I went about my evening routine, enjoyed a shower, and got ready for bed. That's when I laid out the GroundingWell Mat. I fell asleep quite fast that night. I only woke up once and got 6 hours of sleep. That's much more than I get on a regular day."

Day 7

"I slept for 8 hours for the first time in years! Hearing the alarm clock felt like Christmas morning. I couldn't believe it. It was so refreshing. I'm starting to feel better in the mornings, get up much more easily, and sleep around 7 hours of sleep per night."

Day 14

"After two weeks, it still keeps getting better. At this point, I get a steady 7-8 hours of sleep per night and wake up no more than once. Mornings are actually delightful now. I don't even feel the need to get a morning cup of coffee. I wake up and am ready to go."

Day 30

"I don't go to bed without GroundingWell. It's an inseparable part of my pre-sleep routine. I'm still sleeping much better, and I find it easier to deal with everyday stress. My family couldn't be happier seeing me like this!"

And Caitlyn’s story is not the only one. People are buying GroundingWell not only to sleep better, but to feel and look like their most youthful selves once again.

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What Makes The GroundingWell Mat Different From Other Sleep Support Solutions

High-quality sleep is a right, but unfortunately, for many people, it doesn't come that easy. From chronic fatigue to daily stress.

On top of that, many other "fixes" tend to have side effects or be incredibly expensive. For example, people often consider buying expensive pillows or orthopedic mattresses that cost hundreds of dollars or even more.

Pills, on the other hand, tend to come with nasty side effects, like drowsiness the following morning, headaches, or fatigue. Some may even be habit-forming and since they are ingested, a part of the ingredients is absorbed quickly, helping you fall asleep, while up to 70% of its potency is just digested away without being absorbed. This causes people to wake up at night and struggle to fall asleep again.

GroundingWell saw these problems and found a way to tackle each of them. The slow-release matrix delivers a continuous flow of Earth’s healing energy through the skin. It works throughout the night, helping you stay in a deep, relaxing, restful sleep from dusk until dawn.

Why People Won't Regret Trying GroundingWell

In the 21st century, sleep deprivation and stress are key factors that ruin people's quality of life. Our fast-paced lives are much different from that of our ancestors. Unfortunately, poor sleep is practically unavoidable thanks to artificial lights, sound pollution, our technological habits, and lifestyles.

While GroundingWell’s natural solution is primarily focused on helping sleep better, people report many other benefits as well. Some of these added benefits include:

Look And Feel The Way You're Supposed To

GroundingWell gives you uninterrupted deep and restful night's sleep each and every night. Due to this people wake up energized and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Feel Calmer & More At Ease

Grounding provides powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that help maintain normalized brain function. Regular grounding can help reduce chronic systemic inflammation, leading to a life with minimal neurological impairment and improved cognitive abilities.

Fall Asleep Fast

GroundingWell has fast reaction time, meaning that the grounding phenomenon takes effect only minutes after using the Mat.

Wake Up Feeling Refreshed, Alert & Energized

Powerful, high-quality materials give you deep, restful sleep and leave you feeling alert, refreshed, and ready to tackle the day.

What Are Others Saying About GroundingWell?

Finally! 8 hours of sleep!

I honestly didn't think this was going to work, but thought it was worth a try. I LOVE IT! I have been using the mat for three weeks and my sleep has improved since day one. Nice deep sleep but no morning grogginess!

Penny L. |

Verified Customer

Best sleep I've had in a long time!

I have had trouble sleeping since my 20s, never had luck with any products. If you give this a try, it can really improve sleep quality - at least it did that for me. This is very easy to use. I use it for my mother too who has sleep issues. The mat helps her relax and sleep.

Tom R. |

Verified Customer

This works!

Love this mat. I am sleeping like a baby, feel centered and calm. Prior to purchase I was having difficulty sleeping. No hangover or groggy feeling the next morning. Me and my husband love it!

Callie A.  |

Verified Customer

Amazing Sleep Support Solution

I bought these to help with sleep problems going to sleep & staying asleep. I have had trouble sleeping for years. I have slept much more since I started using it. It feels high quality. I tried another one but this one works best for me!

Lindy  |

Verified Customer

It's the best

This works....still surprised grounding works - but dang do I get some sleep. I like that it doesn't knock you out... but a nice normal sleep. It's worth to try this mat!

Matt K. |

Verified Customer

Where Can You Get GroundingWell?

The GroundingWell Mat is sold on their website only, however right now they're offering a one-time exclusive discount of 50% off the retail price for readers coming from this page.

Not only that, but GroundingWell is so confident in its revolutionary grounding technology that they're offering a 100% money-back guarantee with no hassles.

Customer reviews

I'm so happy, from the first night I laid the mat out on my bed I been having a really nice sleep! I had sleeping problems for years but since I found this GroundingWell Mat I sleep like a baby!


Reno, NV

Make contact with the mat throughout the evening, and be ready for bed by night time. We've tried everything for my husband- oral melatonin, other sleep aides.... nothing worked to help him fall asleep and not feel groggy in the morning. He's only been using the GroundingWell Mat for a week but he's obsessed! Amazing product, worth every penny.


Houston, TX

Get Yours Now with 50% OFF!

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To celebrate GroundingWell's public release,

you can save 50% on a GroundingWell Mat


To celebrate GroundingWell's public release,

you can save 50% on a GroundingWell Mat


To celebrate GroundingWell's public release,

you can save 50% on a GroundingWell Mat


Attention: If you're reading this right now, you're one of the lucky few people that get to take advantage of this Internet-only offer with 50% off.

Exclusive GroundingWell Mat Discount - 50% OFF!

Use the discount as long as it exists.

* Only available for a short time, whilst stocks last

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If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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