Snap Out of It! 

Conquer Free Radical Fatigue and Feel Decades Younger...


As Seen On:

Are you feeling completely drained?

Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, even after sleeping for nine hours?

Have you been feeling this way for weeks now and can’t shake it?

Do even the most simple tasks feel unattainable? 

Have you been told the only thing you can do is ‘eat better’, drink more water, and take excessive medications...

And if you've been told that 'it's just part of the aging process'...


If so...

You’re not alone...

And more importantly, it's not too late.

The truth is that there’s a simple, easy, and inexpensive way to get that youthful energy back...

Quite frankly...

You’re in the same boat as many seniors who are suffering from a condition known as Free Radical Fatigue.

But what is Free Radical Fatigue?

Well, I’m glad you asked...

Free Radical Fatigue is an insidious condition caused by oxidative stress that can cause you to feel exhausted all the time, have difficulty thinking clearly, and struggle to find the motivation to do anything at all...

In fact...

It can cause you to feel like you’re stuck in a fog, unable to focus, and you may feel like you’re going through the motions... you’re on autopilot.

You may feel embarrassed that you’re not functioning like you used to...

You may even feel completely hopeless, and like you’re all alone...

You may feel like you’re letting everyone down and feel like a burden...

But there’s real hope.

There is something you can do about Free Radical Fatigue...

Keep reading...

I’m going to share with you the REAL reason you’ve been feeling so exhausted and why life feels like you are doing a puzzle with missing pieces...

...and what you can do to start feeling like yourself again.

So if you're sick of feeling like you're living in slow motion... while everyone else is in high gear...

If you dread the sound of your alarm in the morning...

Feeling exhausted before the day even begins...

Facing the battle of your daily routine...

With what feels like lead weights on your arms and legs...

Almost like life is just so much more difficult than it should be...

If lack of energy causes you to decline from normal activities with friends and family...

I'd like to show you this ‘Grounding Method' you can add to your daily routine...

This naturally occurring phenomenon holds the key to unlocking your energy and getting your life back.

First, let’s talk about what’s causing your exhaustion and brain fog...

Free Radical Fatigue is caused by an imbalance of oxidative radicals in the body. Oxidative radicals are molecules that are unstable and always looking to combine with other molecules and damage them.

And more and more science 🥱...

I'll cut to the chase...

These free radicals do damage to your cells, and that is not good...

At all...

To sum it up...

You are essentially RUSTING FROM THE INSIDE OUT!


These bad boys cause inflammation, accelerated aging, and a whole host of other issues...


Brain Fog

Difficulty concentrating


Low libido

Lack of motivation

Memory problems

Poor immune system

and the list goes on...

If you ask most people how they keep up their energy as they age...

You will get a pretty consistent answer...


Caffeine is a popular pick-me-up for people who need a boost of energy...

Whether it's a cup of coffee in the morning, an energy drink in the afternoon, or a soda in the evening, many people use caffeine to get the quick burst of energy they need throughout the day. 

However, while caffeine may be temporarily helpful, it can also have a negative impact on your health...

Raise your heart rate and blood pressure

Increases anxiety

Sleep interference

Use the bathroom more



Increases stress hormonal levels

And over time can have the exact opposite effect...


I'm certainly not telling you to stop caffeine...

What I am saying is...

I have excellent news for you...

About time, right?

FINALLY, There Is A Better Way... 🥳

Hundreds of Thousands of People Across The World Are Using This "Grounding Method" To Turn Back The Clock...

And in only 7 days of adding this to their morning routine...

They are DELIGHTED to find that...

They are finally sleeping through the night...

Waking up refreshed, ready to take on the world...

Feeling mentally sharper...

They feel more happy and energetic...

Thoughts are more focused...

They are losing weight naturally...

Taking on more challenges without feeling overwhelmed...

Improved mood and outlook on life...

Spending quality time with friends and family...

Feeling more productive and creative...

Experiencing an improved sex drive...

Having more energy for exercise...

Seeing positive changes in their physical appearance...

Living a vibrant, energetic life with all of these added benefits might sound like a fairytale dream right now...

But I promise you it is absolutely, 100% possible...

And all it takes is 1 SIMPLE STEP each morning.

By the way...

My name is Kenneth Swartz...

People call me "Ken the Naturalist".

Over the years I have been deeply involved in developing electromagnetic field (EMF) technology, the stuff used by microwaves and cell phones. I stumbled upon the benefits of ‘Grounding’ while researching ways to mitigate the negative effects of EMF exposure…

During my work, I became aware of the powerful stress-relieving and energy-balancing properties of 'Grounding', especially in contrast to the EMF environments...

I first began practicing 'Grounding' as a means to counterbalance the effects of prolonged EMF exposure during my EMF technology development project...

About 8 months after I started integrating ‘Grounding’ into my daily routine, I had a profoundly positive experience occur with my health.*

My personal experience with ‘Grounding’ in the face of EMF challenges was so profound that I decided to dedicate my life to the research, study, and promotion of ‘Grounding’.

My personal experience with ‘Grounding’ in the face of EMF challenges was so profound that I decided to dedicate my life to the research, study, and promotion of ‘Grounding’.


‍I mentioned leading the team developing EMF technology…

This was a dangerous project that required me to work in an environment with high levels of EMF exposure…

While searching for ways to reduce EMF's impact, I came across this natural practice that has been used for centuries, known for enhancing connection with the Earth’s energy and possibly counteracting EMF effects.

Could it have the potential to protect me and my team from EMF exposure?

There were stories of individuals practicing it, walking barefoot on the earth, and experiencing a significant reduction in EMF-related discomforts. Those who practiced ‘Grounding’ regularly, seemed to be more relaxed and at ease, while those who didn’t often reported higher levels of fatigue and tension.

This practice, known as Grounding or Earthing, involves direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth.

A simple method of wellness that acts as a natural energy balancer. 

So, I started practicing it along with my team, as we had nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

When the EMF project began, we all started incorporating it into our routines. Even after the project ended, what I noticed was not only was I maintaining my health, but I started to feel more energized and balanced...

Little things like that post-lunch crash that I used to get that made me want to take a nap went away.

Little aches and pains from past injuries also seem to fade.

But I knew I was onto something special when I visited my GP...

I had been struggling with high blood pressure for years.

So, I go to my routine checkup and the provider starts taking my blood pressure readings. It was taking a really long time, with repeated measurements.

Then he walks over to my medical file with this puzzled look. This was unlike any of the visits I had before, so I'm starting to get anxious…

I feel a bit tense sitting there, wondering, “has my blood pressure gotten worse?”.

He takes my blood pressure again, focusing intently. I think to myself, “what if my condition has become unmanageable?”.

He checks my file one more time and then completes the rest of the examination. At the end, he tells me, “well, your blood pressure levels have significantly improved. This is quite rare, especially without medication. I've never seen such a change naturally in my years of practice.”

My jaw dropped, as I was expecting the opposite, especially with my hectic lifestyle and aging, but something was working...

Now, I'm a naturalist. And I know that a single instance might be coincidental, so I wanted to delve deeper and experiment further.


One of my colleagues, Gary, had a case of high blood pressure even more severe than mine and was facing serious health challenges.

He had several other conditions related to his cardiovascular health that were taking a toll on his life...

And so I shared with him the grounding techniques I had been practicing. And in about a year, he was experiencing the same remarkable results.

His high blood pressure had significantly improved...

And that's when I knew I was on to something special. 

My story is not unique.

For me it was high blood pressure, and facing the dangers of radiation exposure that led me to this health discovery.

Now for you, it could be the aches and pains that you've had for many years, being exhausted and not having the energy to get through your workday, much less the process of trying to figure out what's wrong or what to do about it. 

Or wondering if what you're going through is just the inevitable process of getting older. 

I believe that the biggest gap in health these days is not in more technology or treating symptoms with surgeries and pills, like a mechanic treats a car. It's getting to the root cause at the cellular level.  Making healthy cells leads to good health. And that's what I discovered on this journey. 

And that's what I'm going to be sharing with you today. Over the last five years, I've helped 10s of 1000s of health-conscious and performance-driven individuals just like you beat chronic fatigue and inflammation faster and easier than they've ever imagined.


Even before you go out the door and go to work in the morning, you're exposed to 300 to 500 toxic chemicals that can cause this oxidative stress.

And in today's modern world, you're being exposed to billions of times more electromagnetic radiation than people were 200 years ago...

And this is only going to be increasing with time...

As we get older, not only are we being exposed to more toxins, but as we start to age, our cells capacity to produce antioxidants to fight those toxins goes down...

And even with dietary supplements, many antioxidants, and nutrients, you can’t take enough to balance out what we’re experiencing now.

And antioxidants prevent oxidative radicals from rusting out your cells and body...

This is why I am so excited to introduce you to the GroundingWell Mat...

It's the world's first...

It is truly the creation I am most proud of...

No matter your age...

No matter your activity level...


Eni B., Energy through the roof!

“Never in my life have I experienced such a change in my health. Energy through the roof! Skin clear, weird aches are gone, and brain fog gone!”

Demetri L., Wow!!

"Wow!! What A Difference......My Energy Levels Are Higher… all I can say is WOW!!"

David L., Will take for the rest of my life

"I have found that the GroundingWell Mat works as advertised and want to continue taking it the rest of my life. I'm a senior citizen and what I really notice is the improvement in stamina, alertness, and concentration that I now have."

James K., Proof in the numbers

I am a 72-year-old male who has been using the GroundingWell Mat for 2 years. A recent biofeedback analysis indicates that my biological age is 60!

Ana G., Super focused!

“My mind feels super-focused thanks to GroundingWell! I have been taking grounding myself with the Mat in the morning for a little more than 2 months now and I have never felt more mentally energized and focused.”

Eni B., Energy through the roof!

“Never in my life have I experienced such a change in my health. Energy through the roof! Skin clear, weird aches are gone, and brain fog gone!”

Demetri L., Wow!!

"Wow!! What A Difference......My Energy Levels Are Higher… all I can say is WOW!!"

David L., Will use for the rest of my life

"I have found that the GroundingWell Mat works as advertised and I want to continue using it the rest of my life. I'm a senior citizen and what I really notice is the improvement in stamina, alertness, and concentration that I now have."

James K., Proof in the numbers

I am a 72-year-old male who has been using the GroundingWell Mat for 2 years. A recent biofeedback analysis indicates that my biological age is 60!

Ana G., Super focused!

“My mind feels super-focused thanks to GroundingWell! I have been using the GroundingWell Mat in the morning for a little more than 2 months now and I have never felt more mentally energized and focused.”

Aging… we can’t make it stop, but can we at least SLOW IT DOWN A LITTLE?!

There are some antioxidants you can't get from food, your body has to make them. But, as you age, your body's antioxidant production declines drastically, thereby increasing your exposure to harmful free radicals. 

Left unchecked, oxidative stress does serious damage to cells, slows down energy production to a grinding halt, accelerates aging, and causes rampant inflammation in the body.

Until the practice of ‘Grounding’ was rediscovered, there was no straightforward way to enhance the body’s natural antioxidant processes, like the production of glutathione, COQ10, SOD and Catalase. You might find antioxidant supplements at your local store, but none of these are going to make it past the gut barrier and get to where it’s actually needed…

The GroundingWell Mat, however, offers a unique approach- it plugs into the ‘grounding’ hole of your wall outlet, which is supposed to be used by devices to discharge extra electricity and prevent fires. By physically connecting with the Earth’s electrons, grounding bypasses the gut and blood-brain barrier. It facilitates a direct and natural way to protect you from oxidative stress at the cellular level.

This direct connection with the Earth allows for an exchange of electrons, which can neutralize free radicals and mitigate the damage they cause. So there is nowhere for these harmful free radicals to hide.

These powerful GroundingWell Mats are truly transformative!

Let’s talk about the potency of these ‘GroundingWell Mats’ as an antioxidant process…

Well, to put it in perspective, grounding is considered by some scientists who’ve studied it to be 200 times more powerful than consuming Vitamin C. That’s a lot of orange juice!

Antioxidants are your body's way of defense against oxidative stress. But, as you age, your ability to naturally combat this stress declines, accelerating the aging process. Grounding is thought to be the most effective natural method for combating oxidative stress.

Not only can GroundingWell Mats help maximize the efficiency of the cells in producing energy, but it may also provide cellular protection against many toxic environmental factors that contribute to free-radical damage.

Grounding harnesses the Earth’s natural electrons and is the most powerful way to boost your body’s antioxidants!

In just 10 minutes a day...















Patrick S., For the love of life!

“I highly recommend GroundingWell. I tell my friends and family… for the love of life, buy it! ” 

Janet C., I have been sleeping much more soundly since using GroundingWell

“I generally have horrible sleep, but now, I can fall asleep within minutes. I can now say I wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated every day!”

Joseph W., Powerful!

"The GroundingWell Mat has attenuated my oxidative stress and is allowing my body to heal. My hormones are balanced, and my mood is good also. This is a very powerful antioxidant, and I can confirm its action on oxidized tissue.”

Catalina L., I feel great!

“I'd like to let you know that I love GroundingWell. I've been using it for a little over a year. I can tell that my blood sugar has gone down quite a few points. My pains and aches in my joints have disappeared. I have clarity of mind, and I feel great. I do share my Mat with my pets. I love your product, and I highly recommend it to anyone at any age.”

Linda W., Thank you!

“I have more energy and stamina. I have knee replacements and they do not hurt like they used to. Thank you GroundingWell!”

Patrick S., For the love of life!

“I highly recommend GroundingWell. I tell my friends and family… for the love of life, buy it! ” 

Janet C., I have been sleeping much more soundly since using GroundingWell

“I generally have horrible sleep, but now, I can fall asleep within minutes. I can now say I wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated every day!”

Joseph W., Powerful!

"The GroundingWell Mat has attenuated my oxidative stress and is allowing my body to heal. My hormones are balanced, and my mood is good also. This is a very powerful antioxidant, and I can confirm its action on oxidized tissue.”

Catalina L., I feel great!

“I'd like to let you know that I love GroundingWell. I've been using it for a little over a year. I can tell that my blood sugar has gone down quite a few points. My pains and aches in my joints have disappeared. I have clarity of mind, and I feel great. I do share my Mat with my pets. I love your product, and I highly recommend it to anyone at any age.”

Linda W., Thank you!

“I have more energy and stamina. I have knee replacements and they do not hurt like they used to. Thank you GroundingWell!”

Try It Now, Risk Free!


GroundingWell is offering a 100% Money-back guarantee. So you can try GroundingWell completely risk free.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, GroundingWell will return your investment… every single penny… with no hard feelings.

What does that mean for you?

It means you are getting the best quality product to help you sleep throughout the night effectively, quickly, and safely– 100% guaranteed.

They're so confident their grounding mat is the solution you've been searching for, that if you aren't 110% satisfied, then GroundingWell will return your money. No hassles. No-questions-asked.

On that note, GroundingWell is running a 50% discount on their GroundingWell Mat, so if you're interested in trying them – now is the time.


Made with non-toxic materials

Skin-friendly and sustainably sourced

Frequent Questions

How Does The GroundingWell Mat Work?

The GroundingWell Mat connects to the grounding hole of an electrical socket which is connected directly to the ground outside. It is fully functional in high-rise apartments regardless of your floor level.

What's in the Package?

  • x1 GroundingWell Mat
  • x1 Connection Cord
  • x1 Grounding Converter (If outside the USA)
  • x1 Instructional Guide

How do I clean and care for the GroundingWell Mat?

Keep it out of direct sunlight to increase the lifespan of the PU leather

To clean the mat, wipe the surface with mild soap, detergent, or cleaning wipes. Then rinse with water and dry with a cloth or paper towel.

Can I wear socks on the Grounding Mat?

Yes, you can still ground through cotton socks without issue

What if GroundingWell Mat doesn’t work for me?

No problem. Your satisfaction is our top priority. GroundingWell Mat is backed by stacks of peer-reviewed research, and all of our products come with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If you have any questions, contact our team at 1.863.578.7383 or at and one of our associates will be happy to answer your questions.