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UPDATE: GroundingWell Mat is SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to USA.

UPDATE: GroundingWell Mat is SELLING OUT faster than expected! Lock in your order NOW to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to USA.

Leading Physical Therapy Specialist: The Best Method To Quickly Alleviate Edema In Your Legs And Feet

If you suffer from edema in your legs, calves, feet, or ankles, or if your legs feel like they weigh a ton, read this short article right away before you try anything else.

3,791 Ratings

3,791 Ratings

By Dr. Jonathon Myers

May 11, 2024

By Dr. Jonathon Myers

June 06, 2024

Hello, I’m Dr. Myers, a physical therapy specialist based in New York.

With 10 years of hands-on experience and more than 10,000 hours in the clinic, I’ve assisted over 1,100 individuals who needed my help for various foot and leg issues…




Plantar fasciitis




Plantar fasciitis

Whatever the issue,

I’ve seen it.

From stiffness and swelling… To varicose spider veins… To…

Edema So Extreme You Don’t Know What Body Part You’re Looking At

But it wasn’t until earlier this year that I finally discovered the key to providing relief from edema. 

It all began with a personal breakthrough experience that I had earlier this year.

One night, while diving into clinical studies on Edema and Lymphedema, I came across something that completely surprised me.

Surprising Real Reason of Edema

What if I told you that the real reason behind the swelling and edema in your legs and feet might actually be your CALVES?

That’s right. There’s nothing wrong with your feet.

The real problem is with your calves.

You see, your calves are essential when it comes to your blood flow.

They’re so important that we often call them “The Second Heart”.

Your real heart pumps blood to every part of your body, right down to your feet.

But it’s your calves that push that blood back up.

When your calf muscles tighten, they squeeze the blood vessels in your legs, pushing blood from your feet back up to your heart.

That’s why we call the calves “the second heart” - because they are essential for maintaining proper blood flow in your lower body.

Now here’s the problem…

As you grow older and become less active, your calf muscles become weaker.

And when this happens, they struggle to send all the blood from your lower body back to your heart - leaving some trapped in your feet.

As this old, stale blood builds up, it can cause edema and swelling in your feet and ankles.

But it can also result in more severe foot problems if ignored.

That’s also the reason why popular solutions like compression socks, salt baths and different painkillers don’t work - they target the feet rather than the calves.

So, What’s the fix?

You need to engage your calves to get them pumping blood again…

And clear out the old, stale blood that’s currently trapped in your feet.

But how?

Most experts will recommend that you start exercising and being more active

But let’s be real... When your feet are swollen and sore, moving around - let alone exercising - is the last thing on your mind.

That’s why so many people never fully resolve this issue and end up bedridden with painful, oversized feet for the rest of their lives.

Thankfully, there’s now a better option available.

Find Edema Relief at Home in Just 15 Minutes a Day (Without Any Effort)

This is all possible thanks to something called “Grounding Technology”.

Grounding is a naturally-occurring phenomenon that involves the transfer of electrons from the Earth’s surface into your body.

It’s recognized for its ability to enhance blood circulation and temporarily relieve swelling.

It works by placing your feet on a specially designed mat made from a unique conductive rubber material.

Making a pumping effect that revives your calves so that they start pushing blood again.

The issue was that this technology wasn’t so conveniently available to the general population. It was required for people to go barefoot outside to receive the benefits.

So I collaborated with a U.S. startup called GroundingWell.

Renowned for creating top-tier grounding devices, GroundingWell has helped over 300,000 people throughout America.

Together, we made this advanced technology available to everyone.

Introducing the GroundingWell Mat

The GroundingWell Mat is among the best and most affordable devices that use “Grounding Technology” to stimulate your calves (your “second heart”) and jumpstart blood flow in your lower body.

As soon as you place your feet on it, the device instantly begins to contract your calves.

This simulates the same contractions you would experience during a run or a workout at the gym.

These contractions will help your blood vessels push blood from your lower body back to your heart.

As a result, the old stale blood trapped in your feet and ankles will start flowing again, reducing swelling over time.


The GroundingWell Mat Is Different From Any Other Solution You’ve Tried Before

Let me clarify. You’ve never experienced anything like the GroundingWell Mat in your life, no matter how many solutions you’ve tried.

This device is far more effective than wraps or compression socks because it actively stimulates the vein valves in your calves, addressing the true root cause of edema and swelling.

Before you know it, you’ll be able to walk, stand as long as you want and sleep peacefully through the night without being woken up by pain.

Here’s How To Use the GroundingWell Mat for Optimal Results

All you need to do is plug the mat into the grounding hole in your wall socket, which is connected to the Earth’s surface without any live electricity, and place your feet on the Mat.

For the best results, it’s recommended to use the device for at least 15 minutes a day. This gives the grounding technology enough time to penetrate the tissues in your feet and trigger those weakened calf muscles.

You may not feel any sensation at first, but that’s totally to be expected. But here’s what matters: you’re going to love the results.

The swelling will start to fade. The heaviness will start to lift. And you’ll soon find standing, walking and possibly even running becoming less painful - things you might never have imagined doing again.

Here’s What Brenda, 66, Has to Say About Her Experience With The GroundingWell Mat

You know what’s really frustrating? Going to the doctor again and again, complaining about swelling in your legs and feet… And it’s only getting worse, spreading from your feet up to your ankles and calves…

Your legs feel so heavy and swollen at night that you can’t sleep without propping them up. But after all the tests, the doctors just shrug and say, “It’s simply part of aging. Nothing to be concerned about.”

Seriously? I’m only 66, and my family tends to live long lives. I’ve got at least another 20 years ahead, and I’m worried about my future. That’s when I came across an ad for GroundingWell and thought, “Why not give it a try?”

So I began using the mat, and after just 3 days, I noticed an improvement. The muscle cramps in my calves were gone and most importantly, the swelling and discomfort disappeared!

Just 10 minutes twice a day, and it feels like everything has changed. I’m so delighted! And now, I can see a future where I’m not stuck in a wheelchair because I can’t walk. It’s amazing. Thank you, GroundingWell!”

Brenda, 66

Or See How It Transformed Beth’s Life, Who’s Been Dealing With Diabetic Edema for Over 10 Years

Here’s what she says:

“I’ve been living with diabetes for 10 years now, and during that time with severe swelling and edema in my feet and legs.

I’ve tried different creams and treatments, avoiding medications because of the bad things I’ve heard about them. But I decided to give your device a shot. After working hours on cement floors, my feet and calves would swell and become painfully uncomfortable by the end of the day.

But after adding your device to my routine, I noticed a significant reduction in swelling in just a couple of weeks! Now, I can work without dealing with swollen legs. I’ve been free from swelling for almost 3 months now! Your device has really improved my daily comfort.”

Beth, 42

The GroundingWell Mat Has Already Helped Thousands of Americans Alleviate Edema And Swelling In Their Legs And Feet

If you take a look at GroundingWell’s website, you’ll find hundreds of reviews from people similar to you.

People who experienced significant relief from edema, swelling, stiffness and that heavy feeling.

Chloe Harris

It's definitely worth every cent!

Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2024

Verified Purchase

I chose to try the GroundingWell Mat due to its affordable price. For the past year, I've been dealing with edema and swelling, and my calf muscles have been cramping constantly, similar to the pain after a severe muscle spasm. Walking became nearly impossible. On the day it arrived, I used it three times. Initially, I didn’t notice much difference, but I persevered. With each session, my calves felt better, and the pain lessened. Now, I use it at least once in the morning and once in the evening, with each session lasting around 15 minutes. The mat is simple to use and mimics the sensation of walking, with continuous contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles. I highly recommend the Mat. It comes with a grounding cable and clear instructions. It has truly been a lifesaver for me!

76 people found this helpful

Charlotte Hudson

It's truly worth every penny!

Reviewed in the United States on June 05, 2024

Verified Purchase

I chose to try the GroundingWell Mat due to its affordable price. For the past year, I've been dealing with edema and swelling, and my calf muscles have been cramping constantly, similar to the pain after a severe muscle spasm. Walking became nearly impossible. On the day it arrived, I used it three times. Initially, I didn’t notice much difference, but I persevered. With each session, my calves felt better, and the pain lessened. Now, I use it at least once in the morning and once in the evening, with each session lasting around 15 minutes. The mat is simple to use and mimics the sensation of walking, with continuous contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles. I highly recommend the Mat. It comes with a grounding cable and clear instructions. It has truly been a lifesaver for me!

76 people found this helpful

Walter Brookes

This works!! Blew my mind at how fast I got results

Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2024

Verified Purchase

This is the BEST affordable product for edema and leg swelling. My mother and I had terrible problems with circulation issues, causing pain that often disrupted sleep. It was like this for years. In a desperate attempt for relief, I bought this product to test it out myself. I used it twice a day, in the morning and before bed, and finally, I was able to fall asleep comfortably. Within a month, my need for it decreased significantly. The pain and swelling in my legs dropped from an 8/10 to a 2/10. SO HAPPY WITH THIS PURCHASE!!! I even bought one for my mother and elder stepfather. My mother, who was skeptical at first, now finds it amazing and wonders where I got it. She told me it feels great and helps her sleep well. Now we are two very happy and loyal customers. If you don't take a chance on this product, you're missing out. I love the affordability and hope it remains that way.

53 people found this helpful

William Boxall

This works!! Blew my mind at how fast I got results

Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2024

Verified Purchase

This is the BEST affordable product for edema and leg swelling. My mother and I had terrible problems with blood circulation, causing pain that often disrupted sleep. It was like this for years. In a desperate attempt for relief, I bought this product to test it out myself. I used it twice a day, in the morning and before bed, and finally, I was able to fall asleep comfortably. Within a month, my need for it decreased significantly. The pain and swelling in my legs dropped from an 8/10 to a 4/10. SO HAPPY WITH THIS PURCHASE!!! I even bought one for my mother and elder stepfather. My mother, who was skeptical at first, now finds it amazing and wonders where I got it. She told me it feels great and helps her sleep well. Now we are two very happy and loyal customers. If you don't take a chance on this product, you're missing out. I love the affordability and hope it remains that way.

53 people found this helpful

I get dozens of stories like this every day.

Will yours be next?

See… That’s The Kind of Outcome I Want You To Have

Think about how your legs feel right now…

Would you like to experience even just a bit of relief from that persistent swelling, stiffness and heaviness?

How about finally getting a full night’s rest without waking up?

How amazing would it be to take a walk with your loved one without any pain?

Would your day-to-day life improve if the pain, stiffness and swelling in your feet were reduced or disappeared?

Imagine Getting Up In The Morning With That Sensation Of… NOTHING!

No swelling

No stiffness

No annoying wraps that take forever to put on

No restrictions


No swelling

No stiffness

No annoying wraps that take forever to put on

No restrictions


Letting you enjoy a good night’s sleep free from pain and discomfort that usually keep you awake.

Knowing that as soon as you wake up, nothing will hold you back from jumping out of bed, bursting with energy!

Imagine being able to regain control of your life and body at last!

Enjoying all your favorite activities with the people you love!

You can’t put a price tag on that feeling.

There’s a huge difference between living with edema, swelling and stiffness, and being free to do what you love most.

And I can’t wait for you to experience it yourself.

IMPORTANT: You Won’t Find GroundingWell Products In Department Stores Or Anywhere Else Online

That’s because my team and I at GroundingWell don’t want any middlemen adding extra costs.

So you’ll never have to pay $279 for the device.

My goal with the GroundingWell Mat is to make advanced edema solutions available to as many people as possible.

And that’s why we sell straight to our customers.

We heavily depend on referrals from satisfied customers.

We trust that if the product delivers results, people will naturally spread the word.

And it’s the reason why you’re not going to pay $279 to try this cutting-edge technology for yourself…

In fact, you won’t even need to spend 200 dollars.

Because today, I’m offering the GroundingWell Mat for just $139 dollars.

That's about the price of a standard GP visit.

But there’s more.

Today, I’m doing something special…

Since you’ve stayed with me this far, it’s clear that you’re serious about your health and curious to see how this unique alternative solution can benefit you, just as it has for thousands of others.

Which is why I want to give you the opportunity to try this device at a special price, exclusively through this article on this page today.

For a Limited Time Only, I’m offering you the GroundingWell Mat for just $69.

That's another 50% OFF!

Keep in mind, this is the only place where the GroundingWell Mat will be found at such an affordable price.

If you leave this page, the offer will no longer be available.

The GroundingWell Mat will never be priced this low again.

Right now, you have the chance to try yours for just $69.

You heard that right, this incredible mat can be yours for only $69.

That’s just 2 dollars 30 cents a day.

That costs less than a cup of coffee nowadays!

GroundingWell Mat Now!
GroundingWell Mat Now!

With Our 90-Day Results Or Refund Money Back Guarantee - There’s No Need to Decide Right Now!

You see… I want to remove all the risk for all customers.

I’m so sure of this device’s effectiveness that we offer an iron-clad 90-day results or refund money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

We don’t want you to spend a cent until you’re completely sure that it works for you.

This means if you’re not completely satisfied with your results, GroundingWell will refund you every cent you paid.

We’re providing this guarantee because we’re so sure that you’ll be thrilled with the results you’ll experience from your new GroundingWell Mat.

Now you have a full 3 months to put the GroundingWell Mat to the test and see how quickly it can alleviate the pain and swelling in your feet and legs.

So go ahead and click the big green “GET 50% OFF GroundingWell Mat Now!” button below.

If you don’t experience the relief you were hoping to find, or you think there’s a better solution available for your condition, GroundingWell will refund 100% of your purchase price.

And no, this isn’t one of those guarantees that you see every other company offering nowadays.

There’s no trick or gimmick.

Need evidence?

Try sending an email to the GroundingWell team.

You can reach them anytime.

Their email is

You can also access this information on their official encrypted website.

They reply to every mail within hours.

It might sound overused, but GroundingWell places their customers as their #1 top priority.

ALERT: By The Time You Read This, The Offer May Already Be Sold Out!

GroundingWell has already sold out 3 times before.

And this current stock is selling out quicker than anyone could have predicted.

So I recommend you move quickly.

Because by the time you read this… there’s a good chance the stock will have sold out again.

So without any further delay…

Here’s Your Next Step

Hit the green button that says “Get 50% OFF GroundingWell Mat Now” down below.

You’ll be taken straight to the official GroundingWell’s special offer page.

You’ll unlock the exclusive one-time deal available only to readers of this article.

Simply add to cart, and your discount code will be automatically activated.

Proceed to the checkout page where you just need to enter your delivery address and payment information.

Most people end up ordering multiple GroundingWell Mats.

For the best results, I recommend choosing the most popular option, 2x GroundingWell Mats.

You can even choose the 3x or 5x GroundingWell Mat options if you have friends or family who could also benefit from some pain relief. You’ll all feel better and save an additional 50% off the total price.

So go ahead and click the big green button below to order your GroundingWell Mat today at 50% OFF!

GroundingWell Mat Now!
GroundingWell Mat Now!

Keep in mind, there is NO risk

The only risk you might encounter…

Is the pain and regret of missing the opportunity to get your GroundingWell Mat at this huge discount.

Sadly, I know exactly what will happen if you choose to pass up this opportunity. I’ve seen it happen many times with other patients.

And believe me, it’s NOT good.

You’ll continue to waste time on compression socks, massages, exercises and other short-term fixes that don’t tackle the root cause of the issue.

You might feel some temporary relief from time to time…

And maybe you’ll even trick yourself into accepting this as a way of life…

But deep down, you know the pain and numbness will only get worse.

This isn’t meant to SCARE you, I’m just trying to WARN you.

Because if it’s ignored, it can lead to a far more serious problem.

That’s why the choice you make today will be one of the most important decisions of your life. So… what will it be?

Are you going to turn down this opportunity and gamble with your chances?

Or will you make the right choice… Order one, two, or three GroundingWell Mats…And spend the next 90 days working towards recovery?

Keep in mind… This isn’t just about you.

There’s your family - who will always be worried about you losing your mobility by not trying to get better.

There’s your grandkids - who will never get the chance to play with you because your feet keep holding you back.

There’s your partner - who will have to deal with living alone because you’ll just be a shell of yourself.

You owe it to both yourself and your loved ones to give this a try.

You can make a change.

You can find the relief you’ve been searching for.

You can return to your old life and enjoy the rest of your life.

You can make a change.

You can find the relief you’ve been searching for.

You can return to your old life and enjoy the rest of your life.

Many of my patients have already made it happen. You can too.

All you need is a little help from the best pain relief device that I know of - our GroundingWell Mat.

So without any more hesitation…

If you’re ready to make the right choice…

Hit the big green button below to secure your GroundingWell Mat

And keep in mind - If it doesn’t meet expectations, you get your money back

GroundingWell Mat Now!
GroundingWell Mat Now!

UPDATE: As of  - The demand for the GroundingWell Mat has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.

UPDATE: As of  - The demand for the GroundingWell Mat has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.

Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to USA

NOTE: This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.

Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to USA.

NOTE: This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Safe and Secure Checkout

No-Stress Returns

Free Shipping

90 Day Money Back Guarantee

No-Stress Returns

Safe and Secure Checkout

Free Shipping

GroundingWell Mat Now!
GroundingWell Mat Now!

Finally Get Instant Temporary Relief From Inflammation In Your Legs, Feet, and Calves


Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5

3,791 customer ratings

5 Star


4 Star


3 Star


2 Star


1 Star


By Feature









Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5

5 Star


4 Star


3 Star


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1 Star


By Feature










Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like · Reply ·

4 · 39 min

Mary Vernon

The mat helps my feet and legs with my edema. I walk a lot for my job and getting home and using it has really helped with the pain.

Like · Reply ·

7 · 16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Like · Reply ·

4 · 51 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like · Reply ·

1 · 1 h

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like · Reply ·

2 · 34 min

Leonard Boyd

I like the mat. It is very good for my foot pain. It is comfortable. I enjoy using it.

Like · Reply ·

6 · 1 h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 1 h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 days.

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2 h

Debra Peyton

Good for leg pain, this mat has helped me so much.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Sarah Dudley

I bought this for my dad since he often has muscle aches in his legs. He loved it and felt very relaxed after the first use.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 2 h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like · Reply ·

4 · 3 h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like · Reply ·

8 · 3 h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 4 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like · Reply ·

2 · 1 h

Harry Keegan

I got this as a gift for my grandma and she loves it. This is perfect for someone struggling with swelling and poor circulation in their legs. The product is comfortable to use and the price point is great!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Bridget Prescott

Love this mat totally!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Anna Madison

I've never had anything like this and it is amazing and worth every penny especially if you are on your legs all day! I needed this years ago but I love it. It feels so real

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h

Clara Milton

I absolutely love my mat, had to get one for my daughter today since she won't stop using mine!

Like · Reply ·

2 · 5 h

Kate Orson

OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight to get some relief from my edema.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h


Wilma Devon

Can anybody vouch for this?

Like · Reply ·

4 · 39 min

Mary Vernon

The mat helps my feet and legs with my edema. I walk a lot for my job and getting home and using it has really helped with the pain.

Like · Reply ·

7 · 16 min

Doris Skylar

I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

Like · Reply ·

4 · 51 min

Skyler Greig

How long does shipping take??

Like · Reply ·

4 · 1 h

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

Like · Reply ·

2 · 34 min

Leonard Boyd

I like the mat. It is very good for my foot pain. It is comfortable. I enjoy using it.

Like · Reply ·

6 · 1 h

Emma Emerson

Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Lois Clive

Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 1 h

Alfred Johnson

Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

Like · Reply ·

2 · 2 h

Edith Ashton

For me 7 business days.

Like · Reply ·

5 · 2 h

Debra Peyton

Good for leg pain, this mat has helped me so much.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Paula Remington

Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

Like · Reply ·

1 · 3 h

Sarah Dudley

I bought this for my dad since he often has muscle aches in his legs. He loved it and felt very relaxed after the first use.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 2 h

Agnes Graeme

I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

Like · Reply ·

4 · 3 h

Barbara Bradly

I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

Like · Reply ·

8 · 3 h

Ethel Dean

Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

Like · Reply ·

1 · 4 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

Like · Reply ·

2· 2 h

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

Like · Reply ·

2· 1 h

Harry Keegan

I got this as a gift for my grandma and she loves it. This is perfect for someone struggling with swelling and poor circulation in their legs. The product is comfortable to use and the price point is great!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Bridget Prescott

Love this mat totally!

Like · Reply ·

3 · 4 h

Anna Madison

I've never had anything like this and it is amazing and worth every penny especially if you are on your legs all day! I needed this years ago but I love it. It feels so real

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h

Clara Milton

I absolutely love my mat, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

Like · Reply ·

2 · 5 h

Kate Orson

OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

Like · Reply ·

5· 2 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you, ours arrived today! Will test it tonight to get some relief from my edema.

Like · Reply ·

3 · 5 h

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.

GET 50% OFF GroundingWell Mat Now!
GET 50% OFF GroundingWell Mat Now!