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Why People Suffering from Neuropathy Are Ditching Painkillers in Favor of This Natural & Affordable Pain Relief Method

I went from having to take pain medication just to fall asleep... to being able to walk, stand, and even run without any trouble!

By Dr. Jonathan Myers | March 03, 2024 | 06:33 am EDT

My doctor told me several times that there wasn't anything he could do to fix my neuropathy.

He kept giving me lots of pain meds and basically said I'd have to get used to always being in pain.

But I just couldn't take that for an answer.

I couldn't accept that in this modern era - with all our medical and technological progress - there's no solution for the burning and tingling in my feet.

So I began scouring the web, searching for a different answer.

And pretty soon, I found a guy who appeared to have the solution.

That's When I Encountered Dr. Jonathan Myers, A Well-Known Specialist in Neuropathy. 

He's dedicated the last ten years to finding new ways to help people overcome neuropathy. 

His site was filled with grateful comments from happy men and women who said he changed their lives. 

So I decided to pay for a phone consultation with him.

And, after some friendly casual conversation, he explained to me the true underlying cause of my neuropathy.

What he said made me tremble in fear: 

“The nerves in your feet are being suffocated to death”

As it turns out - the nerve cells in our feet, just like all cells in our body, need a constant flow of oxygen to properly function.

This constant flow of oxygen gets to the body from the lungs through the heart, where it’s carried throughout the body by the circulatory system.

This system works perfectly until we start to get older.

That's because seniors hold less water in their bodies - which means there's less fluid in the bloodstream and less blood volume.

With less blood volume, it's more difficult for the heart to send enough oxygen to all the cells that need it most.

This gets even worse for people with diabetes because the excess sugar in their blood reduces the flexibility of blood vessels - making them narrower.

...Which further reduces blood circulation.

Due to all this, the outer nerves end up getting less oxygen than is needed - which results in damage to the surrounding tissue

This is what causes that burning sensation, unbearable tingling, and eventual numbness.

I’ll say it again:

The nerve cells in your feet are literally choking to death because not enough oxygen is reaching them from your blood.

What’s worse…

The Pain Medication That Doctors Prescribe for Neuropathy Can Actually Make Things Worse! 

Your doctor likely prescribed you pain medication for your neuropathy - but I really think that’s the worst mistake you could make.

Why? Because painkillers just dull the pain. They do absolutely nothing to prevent your nerve cells from dying.

Dr. Myers explains further…

Imagine your car squeaking a lot because the engine light is on and instead of changing the oil - you just turn up the radio. How does that solve the issue? 

You're ignoring the actual cause of the problem.

Plus, prescription painkillers are known to cause a bunch of nasty side effects - from upset stomach and digestive issues to kidney problems and even substance addiction, to name a few. 

The bottom line? 

When parts of your body start to hurt and the pain isn’t going away, that's a red flag. It’s your body's way of saying "Something's wrong!" You need to do something now, before it gets too late.

But wait, there is good news… 

The bottom line?

If You're Still Feeling Pain and Tingling... That Means It’s Not Too Late!

It’s only when nerve cells are close to dying that they cause burning pain and tingling sensations. 

…And it’s only when they’re completely dead that they go numb.

So if you can still feel burning pain, it means that your nerve cells are still alive and can still be saved

Why does this matter so much? 

Because The National Institute of Health tells us:

“Peripheral nerves have the ability to REGENERATE as long as the underlying nerve cell has not been killed”

This means that no matter how damaged nerve cells are - as long as they’re not completely dead, we can undo the damage and cure the symptoms of neuropathy. 

Finally, Dr. Myers Told Me That There's ONE Way to

Reverse Neuropathy

...Which is to boost the blood flow to my feet. 

Once blood circulation improves, your nerve cells finally receive the oxygen they've been starved of, and this can resolve all the symptoms of neuropathy.

But how exactly do you boost blood flow? 

Most doctors would recommend exercising more to increase blood flow.

But realistically, this isn’t an option for people with neuropathy as they can barely walk without severe pain. 

So then...how can we do this? 

I asked Dr. Myers the same question.

And that’s the first time I heard about this concept: 


This Revolutionary Health Discovery Can Boost Your Blood Circulation To Relieve The Pain, Tingling, Stinging and Numbness

Dr. Myers partnered up with a startup called GroundingWell, to create a revolutionary mat that tackled the root cause of neuropathy.

It’s called the GroundingWell Mat. 

The GroundingWell Mat uses grounding technology to deliver healing electrons from the Earth deep into the tissue of feet and legs to increase blood circulation

…Which in turn allows the nerves in your feet to receive the oxygen they need in order to recover.

This way, the damaged nerves in your feet can begin to heal, alleviating you of the burning and stinging sensation

So you can return to the activities you enjoy, without constant foot pain and swelling holding you hostage in your own body.

The GroundingWell Mat is nothing like anything else I've tried

I've tried everything under the sun. 

Nothing comes close to the GroundingWell Mat

It kicks medications and physical therapies to the curb. Why? Because it literally recovers the dying nerves in your feet, curing the root cause of neuropathy

Before you know it, you'll be leaping out of bed, moving around for as long as you like and sleeping through the night without that burning pain keeping you awake.

How To Use The GroundingWell Mat For Maximum Benefits

All you need to do is plug the mat into your wall socket, place your feet on the mat and enjoy a pleasant relaxing sensation:

For the best results, aim to use it for at least 20 minutes at a time.

That’s how long it takes for the Grounding technology to penetrate into the tissue of your feet and heal those damaged nerves.

And more importantly, you are going to love the results.

The pain will start to disappear.

That burning/stinging sensation will slowly fade.

And before long you’ll be doing all the things you never thought you’d be doing again - comfortably standing, walking, and running.

And more importantly, you are going to love the results.

Here’s What Jenny, 66, Says About Her Experience With The GroundingWell Mat

"You know what's really frustrating? When you go to the doctor… waiting in line repeatedly for appointments that cost an arm and a leg… And telling the doctors that your big toes are completely numb… and that it’s spreading up your legs……

That the pain in your feet is so bad that you can’t even sleep at night without fistfuls of painkillers. Only for them to tell you after running tests that …. Well…… We didn’t find anything wrong with your feet. Just go home because it’s a normal part of getting older…

Come on.. I’m 66 years old. I have at least another 20 years. Aside from the pain and aches today, I’m starting to seriously worry about whether I can even move about freely later. That’s when I saw GroundingWell’s advertisement and told myself ‘Ok, here goes nothing’

So I tried the mat and started resting my feet on it. And let me tell you… 3 days later I’ve regained feeling in my big toes. I haven’t been able to feel the surface of my big toes for 2 years. Now it’s been about 2.5 weeks. I have regain full feeling in my feet… My calves aren’t cramping up anymore. The best part? My feet have stopped aching! No more painkillers when I go to bed at night…

I just use the grounding mat for about 20 minutes twice a day. And it’s a life saver! I’m telling you, I’m so happy with this product! And I see a future where 20 years down the line I’m not gonna be sitting in the wheelchair because I can’t walk anymore! It’s awesome. Thanks GroundingWell!"

Jenny, 66

Or Check Out How It Helped Jake, 42, Who Dealt With Diabetic Neuropathy For Over Ten Years

Here's what he says:

"I've had diabetes for over 10 years and there is always a lot of nerve pain in my feet. I tried some ointments and things the doctors prescribed...I've stayed away from pain medication because of the bad stuff I heard. 

But I gave your mat a shot...I work on gravel so my feet kill me at the end of the day...Well at least before they did but after using your mat...I saw a big change after the first week! 

Now I'm pain-free at work! Haven’t had any pain for almost 3 months now. It's nothing short of a miracle. Cheers GroundingWell!" 

Jake, 42 

GroundingWell Has Already Helped Thousands of People With Neuropathy Symptoms

Check out GroundingWell's site, and you'll find tons of testimonials from people just like you.  

People who experienced great relief from burning, numbing, stiffness and swelling:

I keep in touch with Dr. Myers so I'm aware he gets flooded with these emails every day.

Every day there’s another incredible story from someone in the US whose life changed for the better after using the potent yet affordable GroundingWell Mat.

Will your story be next?

Check it out... These are exactly the results Dr. Myers wants you to experience 

Imagine your feet right now...

What would you do to get a break from the non-stop burning and tingling sensations? 

What about getting a full night's rest without interruptions?

How great would it feel to be able to go on a pain-free walk with your loved one?

Would you be happier if you experienced less or no pain, stiffness and swelling in your feet?

Picture starting your day with the sensation of... ABSOLUTE RELIEF!

❌ No burning or stinging

No swelling

No walking sticks 

No restriction


Getting a good night's sleep without a fiery pain to wake you up...

Realizing as you wake up, that absolutely nothing is keeping you from leaping out of bed, bursting with energy

Picture taking back command of your life and body once more! 

Getting to do all the things you enjoy with the people you love!

That is a priceless feeling.

The difference is night and day between being held back by nonstop foot pain, stiffness, and swelling, versus having the complete freedom to do what matters most to you. 

And I can't wait for you to try it for yourself.

IMPORTANT: You Won’t Find GroundingWell Products In Department Stores, On Amazon Or Ebay

Dr. Myers and his team at GroundingWell prefer to avoid middlemen marking up their costs. 

You won't ever have to pay $279 for the treatment. 

Dr. Myers' goal with the GroundingWell Mat is to make effective and affordable neuropathy treatment available to as many people as possible.

This is why Dr. Myers and his team offer their products directly to you 

Dr. Myers is largely dependent on referrals from satisfied customers.  

He trusts that if the product delivers, people will naturally spread the word. 

It’s why I’ve decided to write this article for him. 

To do my share in paying it forward.  

It's the least I could do for the immense difference the GroundingWell Mat has made in my life. 

It's the reason why you're not going to pay $279 - which is what one might expect for neuropathy treatment. 

Dr. Myers will never allow price to be an obstacle. 

Therefore, you're not even going to pay half of that.  

Even though the retail price is $139 for a Grounding Mat on their site....

That's not the amount you'll need to spend today

Via This Link ONLY, you can get your GroundingWell Mat for a one-time fee of just $69.00!

Yes, only $69.00

This is 50% off from the standard price shown on GroundingWell's official site. 

If you’re still unsure, check this out… 

Dr. Myers says: "There's No Need to Decide Right This Moment!" 

See... Dr. Myers just had to remove all risk completely. 

He is so confident in the GroundingWell Mat that he offers a 90-day money-back guarantee for results or a full refund.  

He insists on not having you spend anything until you're completely convinced of its benefits.  

This means if you’re not getting the results you want, GroundingWell will return every cent you spent.

He's offering this guarantee because he's sure you'll appreciate the benefits you'll enjoy with your new GroundingWell Mat.  

Now you get three whole months to try out the GroundingWell Mat and witness firsthand its ability to alleviate pain, burning, tingling, and numbness. 

So click the big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

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If you don’t get the relief you’re looking for or you think something better is out there for your condition, Dr. Myers and his team will return 100% of your purchase price.

And no this is not a type of guarantee that every other company does nowadays.

This is not a trick.

The proof?

Try reaching out to GroundingWell’s customer service.

You can literally reach them 24/7.

Simply email them at support@groundingwell.com

They respond to every single email within a day.

It may sound cliché but at GroundingWell, they make us, their customers, their absolute #1 priority.

I’m a living example of that being true.

WARNING: By The Time You Come Across This Offer, It Might Already Be Too Late!

GroundingWell has already gone out of stock 3 times in the past.

And their current inventory is disappearing quicker than anyone could have predicted.

So I would recommend that you act fast.

As there's a good chance that by the time you're seeing this... their inventory might already be sold out again. 

So without further ado…

Here’s What to Do Next

Click that big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

You'll be taken directly to GroundingWell's secure, official website.

There, you'll find the exclusive, one-time offer meant just for this article's readers. 

Simply click the "GET 50% OFF TODAY ONLY" button, and your discount will automatically be applied.  

Next, add the number of Mats you want and process to the checkout page. 

Then you'll proceed to the checkout page, where all that's required is your name, address, and payment details.

So, go ahead and click the big green button below to secure your GroundingWell Mat at 50% off!

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The Only Risk Is The Pain Of Missing Out On This Deal 

Let's pause for a moment to think about what happens if you don’t grab the opportunity now. 

From the way I see it, you're facing 2 possible choices that will lead to 2 extremely different outcomes

You see… neuropathy is a condition that worsens over time

This means that if you don't act promptly, your condition will deteriorate over time.

Option #1:

Is to continue as you have been, spending time and resources on approaches that both of us know won’t work... 

Allowing the nerves in your feet to die off - one after another….

Until numbness completely takes over your feet, leaving you in a wheelchair. 

Option #2: 

Make the wiser decision by giving the GroundingWell Mat a chance to reverse your neuropathy symptoms in a few weeks

Remember - You risk nothing.  

It either delivers as promised, bringing you significant relief,  

OR you receive every penny back.

In either case, it's a better way than accepting your fate and doing nothing.

I'm still grateful every day for finding the GroundingWell Mat

It was a game-changer for me. 

 And I'm just one of the 1000s of people who vouch for it

You owe it to yourself to give it a try

Now is the time to make a life-changing decision, the right choice for you and your loved ones while there's still time.  

Click the button below to secure your discount and have your chance at a normal life, free of pain, burning, and tingling.

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Wilma Devon

Has anyone tried this? Looking for some feedback before I make a purchase. Thanks!

Like · Reply · 39 min

Mary Vernon

Hey there, me! GroundingWell is fantastic! I've struggled with stubborn inflammation for years, but this mat has really helped me manage this problem and get actual restful sleep. It's amazing, the only working natural relief I've ever tried. You should try it too, it looks like this

Like · Reply · 14 min

Doris Skylar

Wait, I bought mine at full price and now it's 50% off? Not fair!

Like · Reply · 41 min

Skyler Greig

Any idea about the shipping time?

Like · Reply · 55 min

Marie Campbell

Hey Skyler, I received mine in a week

Like · Reply · 23 min

Leonard Boyd

Bought one of these for my wife last month. It's been a fantastic gift! The next day after using it, she woke up looking refreshed and her inflammation seemed much more manageable. Win-win for both of us!

Like · Reply · 1 h

Emma Emerson

Insomnia had me at my wit's end. The groundingwell mat has truly been a blessing. Very comfortable to sleep on, has absolutely has transformed my sleep.

Like · Reply · 1 h

Lois Clive

Wow, that's impressive. I'm ordering one aswell, can't wait to try it...

Like · Reply · 48 min

Alfred Johnson

Did anyone end up purchasing it? How long does it take to arrive?

Like · Reply · 1 h

Edith Ashton

Took 6 days to receive mine.

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Debra Peyton

This has been an absolute savior for me. Energy levels have improved, no longer waking up feeling extremely tired. I fall asleep in just a few minutes now, and I don't wake up during the night

Like · Reply · 1 h

Paula Remington

Looks fantastic! Has anyone tried this and seen results?

Like · Reply · 2 h

Sarah Dudley

Honestly, get one as soon as you can. I never thought a simple mat could have such a big impact.

Like · Reply · 1 h

Agnes Graeme

Can't wait to receive it.

Like · Reply · 2 h

Barbara Bradly

I'm so excited! I'll be purchasing one this weekend when I get my paycheck. Finally taking a step towards pain relief and restful nights...

Like · Reply · 2 h

Ethel Dean

Any idea how long the shipping takes? I want to buy one for my friend.

Like · Reply · 2 h

Clara Milton

Hey Ethel, got mine in 8 days or so

Like · Reply · 8 min

Emma Shelby

Your friend will be thrilled!

Like · Reply · 1 min

Harry Keegan

Sleeping used to be a nightly battle for me. Now I'm finally getting the peaceful sleep I deserve. Very thankful for this product.

Like · Reply · 3 h

Bridget Prescott

I've been dealing with arthritis for years, and walking has been a constant struggle. This has been a lifesaver!

Like · Reply · 3 h

Anna Madison

My knee pain used to keep me up all night. I can't thank GroundingWell enough for changing that. The grounding effects have made a huge impact on my pain and sleep quality. Highly recommended!

Like · Reply · 3 h

Clara Milton

I'm in love with my GroundingWell mat. It has helped me achieve uninterrupted and amazing sleep despite my severe inflammation!!

Like · Reply · 4 h

Isabella Mayson

Thank you! Our mat arrived today. Can't wait to start using it and see the results right away!

Like · Reply · 4 h


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GroundingWell Mat™

Instant foot pain relief

Reduces Stress Levels

Enhances Well-being

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MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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